The Big Why

1 out of 4 children of 8th STD is passing with inadequate basic reading skill

Only a quarter of all
children in Std III are at
‘grade level’. This means
that a majority of
children need immediate
help in acquiring
foundation skills in
literacy and numeracy

22.7% of Children in our country are able to perform division problem at 5th STD

We all are aware of the educational crisis we are facing today but .Giving a gist of the current situation as per ASER ( Annual Status of Education Report- 2018) we have positively developed the number of children enrolled in schools and also the difference between gender enrollment has effectively narrowed down. But something to think about is the quality of the education and how can we elevate the standard of learning with our children who are going to be the future of our nation.

We are trying to move with small steps and thinking big . We aim to build stronger teams and collaboration towards helping our nation fight against education inequity.

While we work on Educational Equity and developing a culture of Environmental Sensitivity we are not just avoiding tragedy of Commons but also in turn aiding Woman empowerment as well as awareness and exposure to opportunities to all for economic development of the nation. Also helping empowering youth and having the ripple effect of confidence building into various communities.