Progress and Impact

We have been functioning for 16 months and we have started strong with trying to work with 60 children on their academical and mental growth.

We have spent around 3000 volunteer hours on these children and built our foundation with these children also at a emotional level.  we also have got 300 hours of professional teaching hours.  We have seen progress in children in terms of their conceptual understanding and also increase in moralistic and civil values. We have a bunch of smart children who have a diverted mindset due to environment and lack of good exposure . But we as a team are putting up building blocks on bridging this Gap between the caliber of these children and excellence in them for their better future.

Few of our success stories for the journey till date


Shruti and Akshara,  are special and loved Kids of our center. They have been learning with us for  a year now. Shruti is a special child with a challenge of autism but she showed the capability of learning and we encouraged her. We never felt she is any lesser and today her parents started sending her to school at the age of 12 after seeking medical consultation as well as looking at the development she is making.

Akshara is weaker on the her hearing aid and is not naturally skilled to speak. But she is brighter than a lot of children at our center. She is amazing at art and also is a fast grasp in Math. We try teaching her by writing and we believe she will go a Long way in future.

Priya is hardworking child and the first one to pursue an endeavor required course to become a successful Chartered accountant.

She is pursuing B.Com and also is very talented leader. She is one of the most active volunteers of the Ray project and loves teaching children. She has been one of the prime members of Ray since inception


Chiranjiv is one of the most notorious Child of our lot but he has a golden heart. He is in 5th STD of a public school but was not able to get beyond 2X3=6 . Our teachers have worked hard with him keeping a lot of patience to not just keep him away from bad habits but also making sure he is understanding concepts . We have seen credible difference in his retention power though he still wins the award of most notorious child of the class

We are about enjoying the process and also keep motivating and inspiring our selves in different ways.

We had our annual volunteer trip at the model village of India Ralegan Siddhi and also were fortunate to spend a couple of hours with the revolutionary socialist of India Mr Anna  Hazare.

We learnt a lot of encouraging values from him which we promised to be inculcated in each of us. It was one of the most impactful days of our Journey till date.
