Ray foundation Project

The Ray foundation is our first and Most Focused Projects among the upcoming projects.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
– Martin King Luther King

Constantly moving ahead is the right way. Rightly said by Robert Ingersoll ” we rise by lifting others”. That is what we believe in the Ray foundation. We are group of Simple humans working for a better and happier world.

Children are the future of humanity. Their clear and innocent mind can flourish if given the right care, love and exposure. Here at The Ray Foundation we are working on getting groups underprivileged children to have similar revelation to life and communication skills which could help them have better opportunities for their future as well as encourage them to be creative and confident for making a positive difference in future.

Our Mission in the Ray project is not just to Attain educational equity but also to inculcate Environmental sensitivity in Children and also their families. We work together to have steps for sustainability and reducing pollution by simple activities and events. What you sow is what you reap.


We have 3 programs under Ray foundation (TM). Namely The Center projects where we are guiding children from 2nd to 10th Standard for strengthening their Mathematical/ scientific Concepts and working on their Communication skills. We have segregated Children in levels of their understandings and current exposed skills and our tailor-made curriculum with activities and work sheets help them get better with their academics as well.

We have the Mentor ship Program where we are mentoring the Adolescents with their future career guidance as well as confidence to face challenges. We work with them to brush up their Management skills as well as Life skills and Emotional Intelligence.

Our centers work from Monday to Friday with Professional teachers who are passionate and dedicated to lead and make a change for the center program . We have our mentor-ship program scheduled on Saturdays for 4 hours each.

If you wish to join us or volunteer with us please click here